Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, it's the new year, and I haven't made any resolutions. Probably for the best, they never last, anyway. I would like to set a few goals for myself, though, or at least be thinking about what's important as I go into the new year. I've been thinking a lot lately about my life, and whether or not I'm wasting it. If I died tomorrow, what would there be to say or remember about my life? "Janna worked and went to class. Nearly everything else she did was self-indulgent." I want my life to mean something, and there is no meaning outside of Christ. "The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever." How does one go about this? By faithful study and prayer, living a life of service to others and to the Lord, and allowing the gospel to permeate one's life (which can only be accomplished through continual study of the word). Don't get me wrong, there's a place for entertainment and enjoyment in life, but it's easy to make that the focal point when there is so much more.

Here are some goals I want to work on as we head into the new year:

1. Make time every day to study God's word and pray (continually).

2. When studying God's word, choose a verse from whatever passage is read to meditate on throughout the day.

3. Treat everyone I come into contact with with the love of Christ... true love, not a mushy feeling.

4. Look for opportunities to bless others, and make an impact on the world for Christ.

5. Put my all into everything I set out to do, and do it for the glory of God.

6. Spend more time reading.

7. Choose and learn an instrument (something I've wanted to do for quite awhile).

8. Make better use of my time...

9. Develop some sort of budget.

There are a few other things I want to strive for, but a lot of them could probably fall under the "make better use of my time" category. I guess the reason I posted this on here, is because maybe sharing some of my aspirations will help make me more accountable, and having them written out here will be a reminder to me. Hope you all have a wonderful new year!

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